Gemstones – unique and artistic choice

We pride ourselves on not only the time and care we put into choosing products, but the quality of the material used.  All of our handcrafted goods are expertly and individually made, offering you a unique and artistic choice when it comes to jewellery.

However, do you know what the gemstones actually mean? Gemstones hold a rich culture that really does go back quite some time. We want to look into the types of gemstones that we sell, and what they mean – and even how they are related to your Zodiac sign!

This should either help you choose the gemstone you like, or at least let you know the story behind them.

Hematite – Coming in a variety of different colours, from black to silver and red, it comes with a rust-red streak through it. Harder than iron, it is found most commonly around hot springs. Used to improve relationships, it carries the energy of love and protection.

Tiger’s Eye – A unique and eloquent golden brown colour, Tiger’s Eye represents the ancient, and is linked to Pisces, Gemini and Capricorn. Known to emit luck, protection and healing, November lays claim to it being the birthstone of that month. It’s unique patterns and colours make it a very intricate and beautiful gemstone.

Pearl – The oldest of all the known gems, it comes from oysters and mollusks. It is so historic that February, April, June, July and November all lay claim to it being the birthstone of that month. The astral stone for Gemini and Cancer, it holds strong links to the moon hence its colour.

Jasper – Standing for energy and nourishment, it comes in either green, blue, purple, yellow or red. Jaspers are more commonly known as bloodstones. Jasper provides a warmth and is thought to give out positive vibes. Many people keep a jasper bowl at home for good luck.

Chrysoprase – Told to be from Venus, Mercury, or the Moon, it offers protection and healing and usually comes in a very attractive green colour. Usually aligned with May or December as a birthstone, Chrysoprase was carried many years ago to help clarify issues and provide protection on the seas.

Obsidian– Despite its petrifying look, Obsidian stands for healthy and divinity. Usually just black, it has a glass effect to it and is formed from cooled lava after a volcano eruption. Comes in a variety of different other colours, most commonly with hints of gold or silver.

Serpentine – Thought to be from Saturn, it is the birthstone of January, and offers protection and healing. When worn, it is thought to balance mood swing and helps solve conflict. A known meditation stone, it helps create inner peace. Also known as New Jade, it can come in a variety of different colours red, green, browns and white.

Onyx – Known to help remove negative vibes and help end an unhappy relationship, onyx is the birthstone of July and gives off protective vibes. Thought to hail from Saturn, it is one of the most beautiful gemstones to look at. Usually a piercing black, the depth can be mesmerising to some.

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